Equine-Assisted Learning
EAL Sessions
What is Equine Assisted Learning (EAL):
Equines are prey animals, therefore they need strong social connections within their herd
to survive. By using non verbal communications the equine, when presented with danger,
will either run away or stay and fight. By working with these survival instinct, horses can
help us to modify our own behaviours or our own responses and actions, which increases
our self and social awareness, develop our problem-solving skills, decision making, self
management , communication and relationship skills.
When we step into the arena for an EAL session, we enter the horse’s space and become,
for a short time, part of the herd. Being part of an equine herd will mean that the horses will respond to the clients behaviours, feelings or actions. The participant of an EAL session will be able to develop their personal and social skills by being part of a herd (or team) and through questions and observation the individual can look at themselves and the part they play in their surroundings. Horses don't judge but they constantly assess.

What to expect
during a session:
To someone watching a session, it may look like two people hanging out with horses and chatting, however, as a participant, the experience is different. EAL is an experiential way of learning - learning by doing, through observation, connection, and undertaking tasks with the horse.
The participant seeing this response and receiving feedback from the horse will be able to explore their part of the herd or team and will be able to label the emotions connected to what happened – this is developing self-awareness.
In the situation of the horse walking away, this will open a conversation or encourage them to look at themselves with a view of how they conducted themselves and how their behaviour or action affected the horse.
Being able to see this in a physical sense will help the participant to really see that actions have consequences.
Being part of a herd or team will require social skills and awareness, and is about being a good team player and having good communication.
Being able to read the situation is such a life skill – is a threat real or is it perceived? If danger is present the horses' flight instinct will be activated.

Benefits of EAL:
EAL develops Emotional Intelligence, this being:
social awareness
social skills
Assessment meeting, plus 6 EAL sessions €570 (if paid in full) or weekly payments of €100 per session.
We offer a limited number of reduced rate sessions. Please email therapythroughhorsesire@gmail.com for more details